dual language immersion education advances across the U.S.: addalingua partners with three new schools

September 25, 2019

Dual language immersion education and its benefits are rapidly gaining acceptance in schools across the United States. addalingua and its partner schools have had a busy year assisting in this growth and have formed relationships with three new schools that are eager to see their education systems transform and evolve. addalingua is excited to welcome three new schools that launched dual language immersion programs in their classrooms this fall!

Metro Christian Academy, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is offering dual language immersion programs in pre-k classrooms. Metro Chrisitian decided to join addalingua to differentiate themselves in the market and to also add interest and intrigue to their early childhood programs.

“The excitement for us stems from a renewed interest in early childhood programs and offering a unique enrollment option for Tulsa area families,” said Matt Buffington, Principal of Metro Christian. “We are thrilled about the positive cognitive benefits that our immersion students will experience. We also value the addition of bilingual and native speaking teachers, which will result in cultural benefits for our school as a whole.”

Matt Buffington, Metro Christian Principal, with co.founders

Legacy Christian Academy, in Frisco, Texas, is offering dual language immersion programs in kindergarten and first grade classrooms. After visiting addalingua programs across the country, Legacy Christian’s team of educators were impressed by the research-backed programs, support, and outcomes that the schools were experiencing. Legacy Christian is particularly excited about watching their students and their school’s culture change and grow.

“We see students at recess asking immersion students to translate English words into Spanish, and we hear them speaking in the hallways about how amazing it is that they understand their Spanish-speaking teachers“ said Daniel Townsley, Chief Academic Officer at Legacy. “The culture of our school has gained a more diverse staff and introduced another culture simply by embracing dual language immersion. The passion the Spanish Immersion teachers have has spilled over into the school and is influencing positive growth mindsets among our faculty and students.”

Daniel Townsley, Legacy Christian Chief Academic Officer, with the co.founders

Kendall Christian School, in Miami, Florida, is offering dual language immersion programs in pre-k and kindergarten. The school advocated for addalingua dual language immersion because of the positive impact it will have on its students and the surrounding communities.

addalingua is “in alignment with our school’s mission, which is to Motivate, Prepare, and Equip our students,” said Teresa Pimienta, Point Person at Kendall Christian. “It’s our belief that if we enthusiastically expose our children to becoming bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cultural, they will be motivated and prepared to learn about different cultures. In addition, they will be better equipped to serve those around them.”

addalingua co.founders

addalingua co.founders are equally elated about welcoming three new incredible partner schools. We can’t spread our mission and vision without the solid support of administrators, teachers, and parents, and of course – students.

“This year, we advanced the addalingua core purpose – to inspire global empathy through education in two languages – by opening three new school partnerships in three new states. Florida gained a second addalingua program while Oklahoma and Texas each opened a first,” said Stacey Vanden Bosch, addalingua co.founder.

“As we educated stakeholders within our new school communities, a common thread we noticed within all was the dedication to providing their students with excellent educational options, as well as the deep desire to offer students opportunities to authentically know, love, and celebrate the beautiful similarities and differences we have as human beings,” added Lilah Ambrosi, addalingua co.founder.

school contacts

If you are interested in learning more about each of these schools and/or have questions about enrollment, feel free to visit their websites or contact them. If you are interested in learning more about addalingua, don’t hesitate to contact us through the link below!

Metro Christian Academy: 



Legacy Christian Academy:


(469)- 633-1330


Kendall Christian Academy:                             




get in touch