Each spring, addalingua gathers dual language immersion program leaders from around the nation for our leadership institute. During these two days of intensive professional development, administrators have opportunities to gain deep insights about dual language immersion pedagogy, set goals and vision for the program, and network with colleagues facing similar challenges.
With our 7th leadership institute now in the books, we wanted to share some vignettes from our partners. With so many great stories to share, we’re only able to share a few representative samples. But we think you’ll enjoy hearing stories of program and community victories, and a little about what it has meant for these program leaders to partner with add.a.lingua.

dual language immersion program highlights from addalingua partners
Iliana Vásquez-Ochoa and Lynnette Brander from Holland Language Academy shared positive developments from Holland Public School’s Spanish immersion magnet program.
Gordon Nickel and Vonda Morga of Oakland Christian School shared positive developments in areas of student retention, assessment results, staffing and title funding.
Maria Gomez from Corpus Christi Catholic School shared that their Spanish immersion program is helping to grow and the diversity of their school community and that professional learning offered by add.a.lingua via webinars has been very powerful this year.
All the way from southern California, Julie In’t Hout and Bill Johnson from Redlands Christian School shared program highlights from their early total one-way Spanish immersion program.
The leaders from one of our three brand new partner schools, Calvary Christian Academy, shared some of the things they’re excited about as they look ahead to open pre-k through first grade Spanish immersion classes in the fall of 2017.
school leaders reflect on partnership with add.a.lingua
When asked to reflect on leadership in the context of dual language immersion and partnership with add.a.lingua, Glen Hendricks, principal of Evergreen Christian School blew us away with his thoughts on developing trust.
David Te Grotenhuis, principal of Pella Christian Grade School, shared about how partnering with add.a.lingua has enabled his school to serve as a regional knowledge center for dual language immersion programs in Iowa.
We’re so grateful for these dedicated leaders and their willingness to engage over two days in meaningful dialogue with add.a.lingua and each other about how to strengthen their dual language immersion programs.
If you’re interested in see more of add.a.lingua’s professional learning in action, check out highlights from leadership institute 2016.