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Language First Frameworks:
No more guesswork!
The Spanish Language Frameworks provide teachers with common language targets, mini-lessons, and instructional tools to support program alignment and student proficiency.
The English-Specific Skills Frameworks provide teachers with non-transferable English language targets with accompanying mini-lessons and student tools.
The Spanish Language Frameworks follow a structural scope and sequence from preschool through 8th grade to make distributive language practice a reality across content areas in each grade level.
The English-Specific Skills Frameworks works as a companion resource to the Spanish Language Frameworks and follow a structural scope and sequence from 2nd through 8th grade to make distributive language practice a reality across content areas in each grade level.
The Spanish Language Frameworks offer teachers a clear picture of which language features are addressed in each grade level so they can use planning and instructional time to build on what students already know and not wonder what they might know.
Because students have been introduced to and practiced most Spanish word features by 2nd (or 3rd) grade, the English Specific Skills Frameworks do not adhere to the typical stages of spelling acquisition. Instead, they combine grammar structures and word features unique to English in a way that encourages students to draw on their background knowledge of lessons within the Spanish Language Frameworks and make cross-linguistic comparisons.
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