Professional Learning

Everything addalingua has built for dual language immersion programs is designed around our Language First program standards. So it should come as no surprise that these standards are the backbone for all of our professional learning courses.

Whether you are a veteran teacher or a new school leader trying to unravel the mysteries of teaching and learning in two languages, these courses will provide you with clear research-based frameworks and practical tools to help guide program and classroom-level decisions.

Language First Certification

Experience a professional learning sequence designed exclusively for dual language immersion educators.

Language First Workshop

Discover how commonly held beliefs and associated assumptions can undermine our DLI practice.

Understanding Spanish Literacy in the DLI Classroom

Explore how the differences between Spanish and English impact literacy development. 

Want a Sneak Peek?

We’ll send you the standards used to design all of addalingua’s Language First professional development opportunities.


Language First Certification

addalingua provides relevant professional learning that is designed exclusively for DLI (dual language immersion) educators.

  • CONNECTED – Meet your peers in a synchronous launch session, and then explore new strategies, share your ideas, and receive feedback from experienced facilitators.
  • FLEXIBLE – Begin each level of certification when it makes sense for you. Select a course section that works with your schedule. Follow our pacing guides – curled  up at home or during district professional learning days.
  • PRACTICAL – Discover models of instruction, adapt them to your context, and use them the next day in classrooms.

professional learning sequence for dual language immersion classroom educators

Level 1 – Foundations:
Fundamental practices for dual language immersion educators

Explore standards-based practices that have supported student attainment of cultural competence, bilingual/biliterate proficiency, and academic achievement in hundreds of classrooms across the country.

Level 2 – Applications:
Student engagement strategies for dual language immersion classrooms

Use models of instruction to effectively implement strategies that promote high expectations and engage students with Language First counterbalanced instruction to increase target language proficiency.

Level 3 – Extensions:
Collective responsibility for dual language immersion programs

Analyze a framework that has helped dozens of programs find their “north star” and use a common language to reflect on student data and set clear learning goals.

Course Details


Each level is a six-week online course with approximately 20 hours of work. New content is introduced for six weeks, but participants have eight weeks to complete the work. 


The courses begin with a synchronous launch session followed by asynchronous, independent work and group discussion board reflections


Price: $1000/level

Call to reserve your seat now!

  • Upcoming Sessions*
level 1:
  • WINTER: January 13 – March 9, 2025
  • SPRING: March 24 – May 25, 2025
  • SUMMER: June 11 – August 3, 2025

level 2 & level 3:

  • WINTER: January 13 – March 9, 2025
  • SUMMER: June 11 – August 3, 2025
Level 1 – Foundations: Fundamental practices for dual language immersion educators
Level 2 – Applications: Student engagement strategies for dual language immersion classrooms
Level 3 – Extensions: Collective responsibility for dual language immersion programs

*If these schedule options don't work with your school or district calendar for professional learning, contact us to explore a customized schedule for your team. (Minimum number of participants per level may apply.)

Language First Workshop


Introduction to the Language First Approach

  • Build a timeline (histomap) from the beginning of the program’s inception to the present by responding to questions connecting key events to their impact on students and/or staff members.
  • Participate in structured conversations about what priorities came to the surface based on conversations sparked by the histomap.
  • Explore how commonly held beliefs and associated assumptions can undermine our DLI practice in light of connections made during the morning.
  • Consider new ways of thinking embodied in the Language First Approach by understanding its different components.
  • Examine potential results of implementing Language First through case studies.

Understanding Spanish Literacy in the DLI Classroom




In this course, you will explore what makes Spanish Literacy unique.

  • Develop understanding of the Language First biliteracy standards in the contexts of Spanish and English.
  • Take stock of the current state of literacy instruction in your Spanish DLI program.
  • Explore the similarities and differences between Spanish and English, and how they impact literacy development.
  • Consider implications for instruction when honoring the contextual and linguistic integrity of Spanish and English.
  • Begin to understand the ways in which Spanish
    language/literacy instruction transcend philosophical approaches.

What are educators saying about Addalingua's professional learning?