Michigan education policy makers to experience addalingua partner schools’ dual language immersion programs

October 21, 2015

Zeeland, MI — On Monday, October 26, addalingua will welcome a group of Michigan’s education policy makers to dialogue after touring Holland West’s two-way Spanish immersion program and Zeeland Christian’s Mandarin Chinese immersion program. Guests observing these add.a.lingua partner schools in action include Karen McPhee from the office of Governor Rick Snyder, representatives from the Michigan Department of Education, Senator Arlan Meekhof, Representative Daniela García, and area administrators.

addalingua co-founder Stacey Vanden Bosch released the following statement today about the upcoming program observation:

“The United States is becoming an increasingly multilingual and multicultural society. Our changing economy and demography requires us to think differently about preparing students for an increasingly global landscape. The ability to effectively communicate across diverse languages and cultures will open new worlds and opportunities for Michigan students. Research continues to demonstrate that quality dual language immersion education is the most effective way to promote biliteracy, bilingualism, and academic achievement at no cost to the societally dominant language, English. We are truly honored that some of Michigan’s foremost education policy makers are willing to spend their valuable time learning more about the efficacy of quality dual language immersion education by visiting two of our committed partner schools.”

“To quote Congressman Bill Huizenga, who spoke recently at an addalingua professional learning event, dual language immersion education is a train that isn’t going to be stopped. Michigan is home to nearly 40 programs, with 15 of them located in west Michigan,” added addalingua co-founder Lilah Ambrosi. “Our discussion with those shaping Michigan’s education policy is certainly about the future, but it’s also about recognizing the organic educational reform happening right now through dual language immersion education. As we discuss how best to advance and sustain such programs across the state, observing add.lingua partner programs in action will be an important touchstone.”

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